Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A first grader kind of way

Mrs. Nudelman's students giving thanks to others

There is much in a school that makes a principal thankful.  I'm thankful, as always, for great students, staff, and parents.  I'm thankful for wonderful district and community partners who care enough to work (sometimes day and night!) to make our school and all schools great places for kids and families.  I'm beyond thankful for the relevant teaching and learning I see each day, the sense of joy and possibility that permeates our building, everyone's general well-being, and, yes, all things creative learning in action.  These things and so much more make me thankful to be a part of this school community.

As I've roamed the building the last couple of weeks, I've seen some pretty nifty Thanksgiving displays that sum up my thankfulness in fun and creative ways.  None more so than our first graders' writings and artwork currently decorating our halls.  I love to see the way they see the world.  Simple, but with a lot of heart. 

Enjoy your upcoming days away with family and friends, near or far, and I hope you can unplug (for a bit!), unwind, and connect with people and places which also make you thankful.  And if you can do it in a first grader kind of way, even that much better.