Friday, December 21, 2012


This has been one of those weeks where we all hug each other a little bit harder, try to connect with our kids a little bit more, and take the time to have a little bit more personal reflection on love, life, and questions none of us can really answer.  Though we can't ever know the reason why bad things happen to good people, especially those who are the most vulnerable among us, I do know that we can and should use these moments to not only reflect but also look ahead, and hopefully, come out on the other side as better people. 

Within the sadness we all felt this week over the Sandy Hook tragedy, we also kept things going for our own kids because, simply put, that's what schools do each day.  We do it because we love those we work with and we know they deserve to have goodness and joy still a part of their lives.  So that's what we did this week. 

Parents, such as Jay Plotkin and Moira Castanon, at school on Sunday, trying to get the staging set for Monday's student picture celebrating our 60th campus anniversary.

Third grade teachers engaging and facilitating the learning for their third graders with all things Medieval Faire, a great HP tradition that I hope lives on forever.

Kinder classes attending a special assembly by Creative Action, helping with the performance of The Shoemaker and the Elves.

And first graders in Ms. Ferguson's classroom, making a class list on all things they are thankful for this year.  I think it's an appropriate list to leave you with as we close out 2012 because we all do have much to be thankful for this holiday season, knowing there are others who are struggling - and rightly so - with finding reason to be thankful for anything.  Truly, lots of love and hugs your way.  Have a joyful season wherever you find yourself, see you in 2013, and know I continue to be thankful for each of you and the joy you bring to my life.

Ms. Ferguson – having a job at Highland Park and teaching this class of amazing 1st graders

Zac – family, friends, shelter
Chander – Ms.  Ferguson
Jack S – food in our bellies
Ian – wonderful friends in this class
Solana – our school, nursing homes
Emmylou – friends, my family, teachers
Audriana – my family, friends, and that I am able to go to school
Megan – my mom and dad
Evan – my city and my teacher
Oliver – food and smartness
JP – family, food, my house and school
Jack F. – I’m thankful for us
Sarah – cars and a warm bed
McKinzie – my family
Matthew – friends, teachers, school and Ms. Workman
Leo –money
Cody – doctors and nurses
Victoria – the holidays
Lucky – my mom and brother Jazz
Emily – my family, friends, school and home