We've tackled many other things this week as well. Gearing up for our Team Leader and Special Ed Team Retreat Days next week, planning ahead for a smooth transition to next year's leadership. Additionally, we had a great presentation at Wednesday night's PTA Exec Board meeting by vertical math committee reps Mrs. Finkle and Mrs. O'Donnell, along with parent Erinn Windler, on all things math alignment for 14-15. Great initiatives in the final planning stages, with a K-5 CGI math training being scheduled and the long planned Math Fluency Centers (headed by math specialist Erinn) coming to fruition. Exciting work and continued good for HP. Special shout out as well to Clayton Elementary's Dr. Robinett for her additional thoughts on the good she has seen at Clayton with CGI. And to incoming HP principal Katie Pena for jumping in with planning the implementation. It does indeed take a village.
It was our last PTA exec board of the year with current members and as you can see from the picture, we each received a special going away hat, courtesy of outgoing board president Shannon Ratcliff and board member Bria Cirkiel. Though some of our crew had to skedaddle pre-pic, this "Oscar" selfie, courtesy of David (we jokingly dubbed him our Bradley Cooper), provided the right note to end our night. Good people doing good work on behalf of kids.
Final pic for this post. In addition to checking out Hazel's blog below this post, take note of the bulletin board she created during her day as HP Principal - with a bit of help from AP for the Day Holden. I think it sums up much for the last few weeks of school, not only for me, but for all of us. Going out strong and working hard till the end of the year. Lots of teaching and learning left and lots of good work to finalize. Scottie Strong to the End y'all. Scottie Strong to the End.