Friday, March 1, 2013

What is essential

This was a week of benchmark testing in grades 3-5.  We've just wrapped it up and and students are now reviewing their work with teachers, checking to see if they showed their work, and talking through how to tackle upcoming STAAR testing in the next few weeks.  I sat with grade 3 and 4 teachers yesterday after school, we revised our after school tutoring groups based on most current data, shared strategies, and have our motto ready to go for Prime Time when it comes to standardized testing.  TRUST: Tune in, Read carefully, Use strategies, Show work, Take your time, and most importantly, Trust in Yourself.  It was a good meeting with a good group of people who value keeping the learning real, the engagement and creativity high, while remediating where and when appropriate.  Thanks Teachers!

Mrs. Absher's 3rd graders were actively learning about idioms when I stopped by this morning.  She was reviewing several examples, students were sharing their examples of idioms related to food, with student created plates/placemats full of their own food idioms coming later in the learning.  Students were eagerly sharing what they hear their parents say all the time at home...with many (curiously) related to student behaviors.  Hmmmm...

The food idiom model

Finally, I was able to attend Wednesday's Paramount performance of The Little Prince with our third grade students and teachers.  Paramount always puts on a good show and our kids loved the sets, the puppetry, and had some great post-performance insights and questions related to the story's themes on love, reflection, the important things in life, and much more.  Of course, we each took away our own understandings of the story without one definitive meaning. Which is what it's all about and the true power of a theater experience. Plus one very good reason why all kids should have those experiences during the year. Right? Their learning may not be tangible to the naked eye, but it is real all the same. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. Good reminder Paramount.

A great morning with some awesome boys!