Friday, March 9, 2012

Japanese Fair Arrives!

Konnichiwa!  Second grade’s Japanese Fair, as part of their study of communities, took place this week.  The student created Japanese Gardens were on full display in our halls, a parade of costumed second graders took place one morning down our halls, and parents were treated to a special musical/storytelling student performance in the cafeteria.  Artwork, Haiku poetry, a Taiko drummer performance, and more are all a part of this yearly unit of study. A very special arigatoh  to the teachers and students for keeping the tradition alive.

Pollyanna Theater has been on campus with 5th grade language arts classes all week; I can honestly say I’ve loved what I’ve seen each day!  Playwright  Katherine “Pepperoni” Perrone is helping our students breathe new life into the tried and true Greek Plays that are performed each May as part of the culminating Greek Mythology Unit.  The traditional scripts were well loved, but it’s been inspiring to see kids work through the process with a real life writer. Students have studied story elements, connected those elements to playwriting terminology, worked in cooperative groups on individual scenes, brainstormed dialogue, performed dialogue for audience feedback, all with an eye toward the final scripts.  I was able to see the process over the week with The Story of Theseus and The Story of Hermes.  Impressive and we should have some top-notch scripts and performances in May.

Our last Blanton Museum field experience in fourth grade took place this week as well.  Students re-visited some tried and true favorite pieces (the Meireles installation for example), reviewed museum careers, then worked in small groups to design their own art exhibits.  Mrs. Snell’s class really seemed to get into the process, leaned mostly toward the abstract pieces, and came away with some good thoughts on how to design and display their exhibits, everything from wall colors to arrangements of paintings to naming the exhibits.

Pup Camp, for the incoming 12-13 Kindergarten class, was a blast on Tuesday; a most excellent crop of Kinders headed our way!  I had fun reading the book The Kindergarten Cat to about 40 eager boys and girls before they headed off for treats and a play date in Perry Park.  It's always great to meet our new little ones and hear their thoughts on school; one incoming boy was able to share (as I read) that “those are rhyming words”.  Cool. This yearly camp certainly goes a long way in easing anxieties about starting school, so thanks Scottie Moms for arranging this once again for our school.

Finally, our last Any Given Child community arts event will take place on Thursday, March 29, 6:30-7:30.  We are hosting our first ever Fine Arts Open House in and around our cafeteria area, with Scottie Singers performing, a couple of after school programs showcasing their work through student performances, and booths with displays about in school and after school arts opportunities.  This FREE event is open to all Scotties, so mark your calendars and come help us continue our year long celebration of the arts and the creative classroom.

Have a joyful break everyone!
Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. ~ Ovid